Here are some pictures of Virginia as we sat and waited to go thru all of the stops as we came home, the mountains with snow is very beautiful.
A longing for the Mighty Mississippi, family, friends, football games with mittens & hot chocolate and Memphis style barbecue.
About Me
- Trox's
- A northern woman in love with a southern gentleman, who followed the direction of the Lord in our lives.
Monday, December 28, 2009
So we went into the Doc's today. Our little sweet pea is growing rather well. He/She was a moving and a grooving like crazy while getting it's picture taken. I am having to meet all of the Doc's in this practice the man today was all business, in and out in a matter of minutes. But it was good he answered our questions before he left. So far so good. We are super excited. The morning sickness has kicked in a little more this week, hopefully that is almost done...fingers crossed.
Here are some pictures of Virginia as we sat and waited to go thru all of the stops as we came home, the mountains with snow is very beautiful.
So as you can see our road was a little bumper to bumper for awhile. We did not go thru Virginia as we headed home we went the normal way via Tennessee and Kentucky. Our trip to Iowa 5o hours 2 nights onthe interstate the trip back was 24 hours and one night on the interstate. Well just wanted to give you a quick update, we are off to Myrtle Beach on Wed. for a youth conference until sat. then back home to get ready for the school week to start i'll type at you later xoxo
Here are some pictures of Virginia as we sat and waited to go thru all of the stops as we came home, the mountains with snow is very beautiful.
Monday, December 21, 2009
We are Here!!!
We are here Finally!! So as you know we made it to Iowa after sleeping en route on the interstate 2 nights with the 5 dogs snuggled up to keep us warm...So it has been a fun time. So we are here after having snow from the east coast all the way home and now more storms are hitting the Midwest as we are here. Hi ho hi it's off to shovel the hubby will go!!! He he he never reads this he won't know until it is too late...How does this work for you mom?
Friday, December 18, 2009
Guess What today is!!!
The last day of school before Christmas Break! Yippee. The first half of my year has been wonderful, it is so good to be back to teaching, I am loving my elementary kiddos. But today is also the day we leave for Iowa...just a heads up we both have a cough and feeling a little rough, so family in Iowa start the vitamin c before we arrive! So we do not pass anything on to you all. The dogs are excited too! Can't wait to dig and bark at the cranky neighbors!! Teasing see you soon we will let you know as we get near...hugs to you soon!
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
It's almost January!!
OH MY!!! Where has the time gone to? I will be home in less then 5 days hopefully maybe 6 depending on weather, husband, adn the dogs in the car!!! Yep you read that right nothing like roadtriping with 5 dogs two humans and luggage, dog toys, dog food, and a kennel in a Rav 4!! Wahoo talk about good time!!! But the out come of being home for the holidays is soooo worth it! I cannot wait to see my parents, all of the grandparents and the baby sis who is prego and due in Feb! How fun fun....torture the prego one about how she glows. So Iowa and snow for a week and then home for 3 days and off to Myrtle Beach for a youth conference over new Years called Big God to return home the 2nd and start work again on the 4th while Husbandio is off to anotehr conference with the College age in ....SC or FLA not sure where?!?!
So I made Grandpa's cookies for a cookie walk at church and they were a huge hit!!! Everyone wanted the recipe...So Grandpa T. your cookies are loved even in the south!!! Mini Marshmallows and all. Well I am off to finish up my school day lunch is sad..not really one day closer to Iowa!! wahoooooooo xoxo see you soon
So I made Grandpa's cookies for a cookie walk at church and they were a huge hit!!! Everyone wanted the recipe...So Grandpa T. your cookies are loved even in the south!!! Mini Marshmallows and all. Well I am off to finish up my school day lunch is sad..not really one day closer to Iowa!! wahoooooooo xoxo see you soon
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Month of Nov. is just screaming by. We have stayed busy with work, I am off to take my MAT to get into graduate school again! Found a couple of good schools with PE masters programs. So hi ho hi ho off to take a test I go! Husbandio has been helping coach a HS wrestling team and he is loving it! He's not so sure if he feels older now, or just out of shape! My Guess is it a little of both since he has now hit the BIG 3-0 this month!!

He had done a wrestling tourny all day and the we had an evening of hanging out with the youth so they helped me sing Happy Birthday! We also had gone on an adventure with the youth the week before we went to a Wake Forrest and Florida State Univ. Football game so that was fun to. Our seats were really far up but they were good seats! In the Shade and could see the whole field!
Now we are off to VA to see another set of Husbandio's grandparents! As well as My In-Laws! So we are excited to go and praying hard for the Man who is going to watch all 5 dogs, yes I said all 5 dogs for a day! So we shall see who survives the trip better us or the pooches!
Well I am off to take my test for Grad school, more later.
He had done a wrestling tourny all day and the we had an evening of hanging out with the youth so they helped me sing Happy Birthday! We also had gone on an adventure with the youth the week before we went to a Wake Forrest and Florida State Univ. Football game so that was fun to. Our seats were really far up but they were good seats! In the Shade and could see the whole field!
Well I am off to take my test for Grad school, more later.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Oh My!! Where has the time gone..
Oh me , oh my!! How time flies. As I worked in the swim industry the past 3 years time seemed to go a little slower, now back to teaching the time just flies from month to month. Here it is already Nov. time for the Husbands birthday, time for Thanksgiving, time for an anniversary celebration of three years married for the little one and her hubby. Who are also expecting their first little peanut!! What an exciting time of year. Just think in another months time I will be almost to my home state!! Of Iowa!! I can't wait to get home to see all the family and friends. Oh so cool. (even literally) I am hoping to see a good snow and have some fun pelting my hubby and my bro in law with some serious snowballs!! How fun would that be...can't throw them at the prego, that would not be nice, maybe at Dad though! I am looking forward to Christmas! But I am also excited for Thanksgiving-it will be partially spent in Virginia, I get to meet my Father in laws family!! So that will be exciting. Plus I get to hang out with my Mother-in -law too!! How cool is that, family at holiday time, God has blessed me with wonderful family that want to have us around!! Who could ask for more then to be loved by those around you!
So hopefully I will get some fall photos up here in the next day or so!!! Happy Turkey Month!
So hopefully I will get some fall photos up here in the next day or so!!! Happy Turkey Month!
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Time to Celebrate
Mmmm for those of you who may not know...this is the month of my Mother! wahoo!!! We are blessed to have this awesome lady as a mom who has put up with tons of grief from all of us girls at one time or another. I think one of my favorite memories was calling home from college when I had a horrible nasty flu at 4 in the morning and me saying Mom i don't feel good, her prompt reply, oh honey I am on my no it was not that it was a slurred "who is this?" Mom it's me... Oh honey I'll talk to you later. I was devastated... Sure enough she did call me back later to check in on me. This memory still makes me laugh, but really she has been a very supportive, sacrificing, and most of all Loving Mother. I couldn't have asked for one better! So here is to Mom!! Happy Birthday!
Also we are still trying to sell our home in Charlotte. We had an offer but have heard nothing since our counter offer. We have had more people coming through the house this past week. So please keep us in your prayers! As well as JB she has found out her little bundle of joy should be blanketed in blue, time will tell....he he. Her and her hubby are in process of moving and the Parents are helping with the interior decorating!! Fun fun, Dad loves to paint mainly cars but still it keeps him on his toes!!
Happy November! It is almost time to celebrate all we are so grateful for.
Also we are still trying to sell our home in Charlotte. We had an offer but have heard nothing since our counter offer. We have had more people coming through the house this past week. So please keep us in your prayers! As well as JB she has found out her little bundle of joy should be blanketed in blue, time will tell....he he. Her and her hubby are in process of moving and the Parents are helping with the interior decorating!! Fun fun, Dad loves to paint mainly cars but still it keeps him on his toes!!
Happy November! It is almost time to celebrate all we are so grateful for.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Making himself at home....
Oh also just so you know we recieved an offer on our house and we are waiting to see how things play out. Please keep us in your prayers. xoxox hugs & kisses xoxox
Sunday, October 11, 2009
So here is the scrawny Mister Rebel. aka Trashhound
Well here he is the little trash hound we found. This is day one with us, he was really skinny you can see all of his ribs and hip bones Poor little guy! How could i resist? So as you can see below everyone is getting along well. This is dinner time on day 4 he has started to pack on some pounds. He is quick as wick too! He has caught on to sitting and waiting, potty time, in your den, come and sometimes quiet only if moo is not bugging him. Moo and Rebel have bonded really well we think it was due to Molly being at Camp Vet for a few days. Don't mind the laundry or dirty counter in the background everything is still looking for its place.
So here is a picture of the two southern men in my life. Ha I don't consider Chateau a southern boy yet given him another year or two then maybe! Anyway I just wanted to let you all see the new one. hugs xoxo
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Back to the Computer!
HA so the blogging from the phone was a bit of an adventure and a challenge...lots of mis-spelled words! So we have some praise worthy news....Our pup Molly has some parasite that has been causing some issues in her lungs and with the white blood cells. The vet we were referred to filled her with Steroids did lots of tests to tell us it is an easier fix then thought. (It was not the neumoblasto icky stuff) So she came home today after 2 days at Vet camp. Husbandio said she was super excited to see him! I can't wait to get home and love on her!
More Drama.....
More craziness on our part, (um Dad if you are reading this forgive me :-) it's that soft heart thing we were talking about the other day.) On my way to church Sunday morning, I was turning on to a road and I noticed a very scrawny puppy digging in a garbage heap. I stopped and watched for a moment, you could (and still can) see all of his little bones. I got out of my car and went over to him. I scared him,he turned to run, i said hey buddy and he came right over wiggling his stumpy little tail....and yes i did, i did the unthinkable I put him in my car and took him to breakfast at Micky D's (sausage bisquit, he's a southern boy). All i could think is my Husband is going to flip! From breakfast we went to church, and I thought Husband was going to say "take him to the pound," instead he said take him home. So home we went. (then back to church). We are looking for a home for him. We are also plumping him up and getting him a little healthier, however all the dogs love him and we are slowly getting attached...he is smarty mcfarty and we think he is a full breed we shall see....Dad you want a cute puppy? We are calling him Rebel, the first night with us, he rammed the pantry door until it opened and I heard a swoosh at 2:30 in the morning he had knocked over the garbage and was having a late night snack, all you could see was his stubby little tail wagging as he chowed down inside the garbage can. He was so sad when we disciplined him and put a chair in front of the pantry he knew the feasting was over....(i know i know we are crazy and we have another mouth to feed...but plus side he likes trash....husband said we should call him in the grouch who lived in a garbage can) I'll post a picture of the runt soon.
That has been our week thus far, little sleep due to howling and late night garbage binges! What a week!
More Drama.....
More craziness on our part, (um Dad if you are reading this forgive me :-) it's that soft heart thing we were talking about the other day.) On my way to church Sunday morning, I was turning on to a road and I noticed a very scrawny puppy digging in a garbage heap. I stopped and watched for a moment, you could (and still can) see all of his little bones. I got out of my car and went over to him. I scared him,he turned to run, i said hey buddy and he came right over wiggling his stumpy little tail....and yes i did, i did the unthinkable I put him in my car and took him to breakfast at Micky D's (sausage bisquit, he's a southern boy). All i could think is my Husband is going to flip! From breakfast we went to church, and I thought Husband was going to say "take him to the pound," instead he said take him home. So home we went. (then back to church). We are looking for a home for him. We are also plumping him up and getting him a little healthier, however all the dogs love him and we are slowly getting attached...he is smarty mcfarty and we think he is a full breed we shall see....Dad you want a cute puppy? We are calling him Rebel, the first night with us, he rammed the pantry door until it opened and I heard a swoosh at 2:30 in the morning he had knocked over the garbage and was having a late night snack, all you could see was his stubby little tail wagging as he chowed down inside the garbage can. He was so sad when we disciplined him and put a chair in front of the pantry he knew the feasting was over....(i know i know we are crazy and we have another mouth to feed...but plus side he likes trash....husband said we should call him in the grouch who lived in a garbage can) I'll post a picture of the runt soon.
That has been our week thus far, little sleep due to howling and late night garbage binges! What a week!
Saturday, October 3, 2009
In the new realm of hand held computer
Ha maybe I have found a way to post after all!! So i am trying to post from home for the first time so please be
patient with me. Molly is still not doing well our second opinion on her is tommorrow
so we should know soon what is going on with her. We have been busy with cleaning and still organizing our
house today. So I have mastered blogging from an I phone (maybe). I am still trying to figure out the camera aspect
on this thing. It has been fun though. I have survived my first 6 weeks of school it is good to be back to it,only
now I will be going back to school too this winter semester wahoo! Hope you enjoy my post from the phone xoxo big sis
patient with me. Molly is still not doing well our second opinion on her is tommorrow
so we should know soon what is going on with her. We have been busy with cleaning and still organizing our
house today. So I have mastered blogging from an I phone (maybe). I am still trying to figure out the camera aspect
on this thing. It has been fun though. I have survived my first 6 weeks of school it is good to be back to it,only
now I will be going back to school too this winter semester wahoo! Hope you enjoy my post from the phone xoxo big sis
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Molly,Molly, Molly
For those of you who do not know Molly, was the runt of the litter and she has surpassed many of her siblings in size, attitude and stubbornness...she has been our most healthy of the 4 monsters. Yet she is like me and manages to get the weird stuff, she wasn't feeling 100% when we headed to TN. But she came along anyway, and slowly got sicker. Well we have spent the last 12 days visiting the vet getting meds we have been refered to another vet in another city still not sure what exactly she has other then something white and feather growing in her lungs so please pray for us as her "parents" to be wise in our course of action. we do not want her to suffer nor do we want to be the proud owner of a million dollar dog....
**Also one of my little sisters is turning 33 in 2 days I wish and hope she has a day full of love, joy and celebration!! So hopefully she is feeling better( or at least drinking enough coffee to survive! Hugs and much love)
**Also one of my little sisters is turning 33 in 2 days I wish and hope she has a day full of love, joy and celebration!! So hopefully she is feeling better( or at least drinking enough coffee to survive! Hugs and much love)
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Tennessee!! He's the only 10 i see....ha.
Our trip to Tennesse was a fast one!! We headed home to see My Husbandio's brother get married it was lovely! The Bride and Groom made a stunning pair! So much in love and ready to celebrate becoming husband and wife. My Husbandio was rather dashing as the best man (if I do say so). I felt like I was in the car forever who would have thought that moving 2 hours east would make the trip feel that much longer....oh well... we live far love our families lots so we travel far. The pooches did very well on the trip...however all four dogs are now medicated in one way or another...poor little monsters! We are still settling in to the new home and keeping the old one mowed and clean is a fun 4 hour trip as we wait to sell the house! Our lawn mower just bit the dust too!!! wahoo...God has been so good to us in providing for everything that we need even before we know we travels, a mower from a neighbor, good health, time to spend with family even when it looks not possible...He is so good to us and our yard so our previous neighbors will not harbor any ill will towards us....anyway.
The dogs had a fun vacation yet they were glad to be back in their 1/4 acre backyard run free and hunt birds..yum-o
We had a great time seeing all the friends and family at the wedding and catching up with them now we are trying to figure out the holidays time flies as you get older.... ttfn..
The dogs had a fun vacation yet they were glad to be back in their 1/4 acre backyard run free and hunt birds..yum-o
We had a great time seeing all the friends and family at the wedding and catching up with them now we are trying to figure out the holidays time flies as you get older.... ttfn..
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Our house changing event
So here are some fun photo's as promised of our past year we have had some wonderful changes....the Lord has blessed us greatly Here is a Picture of the kitchen from our home we bought in Jan. It was full of wonderfull memories as well as full of family to visit throughout the years coming up on the last half of our second year in it the house has slowly been emptied. The dogs however still have their favorite couch and they love it bunches and they were so glad the day it got moved into the new house in Fayetteville! They also love the back yard and love to run through out the backyard.. as you can tell...... Well we are getting ready for another great time with family as we are off to a we will have a long car ride with the pooches....hugs
Monday, September 7, 2009
Ahhh a dogs life for me...
Hmmm off to try something new.....Photos to come. The dogs are loving life and a wonderful backyard to run in. Chateau has enlisted Lil Molly into his ranks as a sniffer. As soon as they are out the door it is off to do a perimeter check to make sure no enemies (i.e. squirrels) have gotten through. We have 5 Pecan trees in the backyard and the squirrels are not willing to give up yet, they are being defiant and cunningly crafty at their attempts to by pass the 2 sniffers. Banyan has found another clean freak (licker) in Moo. These two are like peas in a pod, Banyan is much braver however, Moo is still the skittish one. They are all enjoying their new home. It amazes me how each pup has chosen a "Big Dog" to follow and just makes me sad to think that it is going to be hard on them when it is time for the "Big Dogs" to return home to their loved ones. We will miss them too...Banyan has a new favorite toy it is called "Arby" yes it is a big pink pig!!! She loves to fetch it up none of the other dogs have attempted to go near "Arby" yet...we will see who the brave one money is on Molly!
Other then that the Husband and I are slowly settling in getting use to one another's schedule and life together again. I have been sick and he like i thought we were done with the cesspool of disease...ha the love and compassion he has for a hypochondriac...hope JN gets her Cheesecake for the celebration of the BD!
Other then that the Husband and I are slowly settling in getting use to one another's schedule and life together again. I have been sick and he like i thought we were done with the cesspool of disease...ha the love and compassion he has for a hypochondriac...hope JN gets her Cheesecake for the celebration of the BD!
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