So I have a short film of Little Man trying out the Johnny Jump up. So we shall see how it goes...He seems to enjoy it so far.....ha! We had a great Christmas with Family in Memphis. However it was fairly funny that our house had a white Christmas with out we were able to drive through the snow and then arrive home to find a winter wonderland waiting for us. It was fun. We had a great holiday seeing all of the family and some of them meeting Little Man for the first time. He was a trooper, he got loved on and handled by everybody and did not complain once. He also traveled very well.
Ok so none of the pictures are uploading and neither is the once i can get this under control then I will get the pictures posted...
Well we are still recovering from our traveling, and reorganizing where all of the new toys should go. Caleb loves his new excersaucer he bounces in it and scares the dogs but it is fun to watch. Husbandio leaves soon for his youth trips, so that will be fun for him. Caleb did well for his checkup and did well with the vaccines he recieved, Mom still has hesitation at times about all of these shots. But I also want what is best for my son. So needle pricks galore.
A longing for the Mighty Mississippi, family, friends, football games with mittens & hot chocolate and Memphis style barbecue.
About Me
- Trox's
- A northern woman in love with a southern gentleman, who followed the direction of the Lord in our lives.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Friday, November 26, 2010
Happy Turkey Day Travels
Me and Cheeks! |
Me & Uncle Miggy |
Grandpa & I |
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Mister Mister
Well Mister, Mister and I are sitting here while Daddy is at band practice getting ready for worship service tomorrow. So Caleb and I are hanging out watching the movie Oceans and it just makes you realize even more what an amazing thing God has done with creation. He took the time to create my son hidden in my womb and yet look at all of the amazing animals he has created big, small, humongous and tiney tiny creatures He has created. Last night we were at our Churches Fall Festival. It was a good time a little cool. Caleb got to hang out with the girls from youth group so he was a happy. We got home he ate and went to bed he slept through the night. Mom woke up at 3 wondering what was i went and checked on him and he was as snug as a bug in a rug! So peaceful too. Well, I was hoping to post a few pic but am having issues. But I hope to get them up later today.... Caleb is 3 Months today! I want to show off how big he is getting....need to see Nello Amazing soon to as well as the bro's and sissy's.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Hello again.
Well, well, I am so glad we have started these blogs to stay in touch, however I wonder if someday our children will read back over these and just wonder why? Our household is down to three dogs now that Chateau and Banyan have gone back home....and from what I have heard they are loving their new home. Our three Molly, Moo and Rebel are adjusting. Doing much better then I thought they would. They enjoy having the chair to curl up in since Chateau has now vacated it. Moo misses having Banyan to curl up with but other then that they are doing great.
Caleb is getting big. He is a little over 12 pounds. He is a good humored baby. He loves to laugh and smile. He likes to play games with his Daddy. He is napping right now. Daddy is off on a trip to spend the night in a cave. Wahoo, thought better of us going along with him as fun as it would have been we decided to stay at home in our snuggly warm beds while Daddy is off on his adventure.Caleb's favorite favorite place is his changing table no matter what his mood if we put him on the changing table he is all smiles and cooing.(Even if we are not changing his diaper) He is also training Mommy to change him faster he loves sprinkling on me. He most recently got me at church before service. Ha!
Well we are off to a pig picking if he wakes up I am going to finish getting my potluck dish together. xoxo
Caleb is getting big. He is a little over 12 pounds. He is a good humored baby. He loves to laugh and smile. He likes to play games with his Daddy. He is napping right now. Daddy is off on a trip to spend the night in a cave. Wahoo, thought better of us going along with him as fun as it would have been we decided to stay at home in our snuggly warm beds while Daddy is off on his adventure.Caleb's favorite favorite place is his changing table no matter what his mood if we put him on the changing table he is all smiles and cooing.(Even if we are not changing his diaper) He is also training Mommy to change him faster he loves sprinkling on me. He most recently got me at church before service. Ha!
Well we are off to a pig picking if he wakes up I am going to finish getting my potluck dish together. xoxo
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Umm By popular demand.....
Daddy, Me & my first bottle! Yum-o! |
Thursday, September 30, 2010
good afternoon or good morning not sure which...
So tomorrow Our llittle caleb will be two months old! How crazy is that. We are still adjusting to the whole new schedule. I am trying to figure out how to get some extra sleep ...between my work schedule, Michael's schedule, football, meetings, trips with the youth and fund raising. Just trying to find a few moments be him can tricky too.. So I am still trying to catch up on all my school stuff and keep up with what we are doing now....oh off to the races, it is time to eat and little man is letting me know he is ready any day now lady! ta-ta..
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Boo Hoo......sniff....sniff....
So today was the first day of day care... a partial day. I was fine until Michael asked if i was ok or boo hooing...then i lost it. It is a hard thing to do especially when i realize my son will be in daycare and learning from other people instead of at home learning from mom or dad. I also realized the jobs we have do not allow us the luxury (isn't that crazy it's a luxury to raise your child yourself.) of raising our children. It also made me realize how much my mom and dad sacrificed to have a parent home with us. They gave up their time together....they worked 1st and 3rd shifts....youth ministers and teachers cannot do their job on a third shift or second shift he is at day care laying in an unfamiliar crib, in a lot louder place as the kids run and play in the rooms around him. How sad. But all i have to do is look at this picture and it helps ease the heartache some. So just keep us in your thoughts and prayers the next few days, weeks....months.
ok another topic the dogs will be going through an adjustment today too. As they realize that I am not home all day to let them out whenever they want to go chase a squirrel. So we will hopefully start walking them too or should i say I will start walking them. They seem to be adjusting ok since the big dogs are gone, we shall see Molly is already trying to take over though. But it is going well with just the three land sharks living with us. We miss Banyan and Chateau though, hopefully they are enjoying the trip across country.
It was great to see my sister and her entire clan as they breezed through this coast and headed to the heartland.
ok another topic the dogs will be going through an adjustment today too. As they realize that I am not home all day to let them out whenever they want to go chase a squirrel. So we will hopefully start walking them too or should i say I will start walking them. They seem to be adjusting ok since the big dogs are gone, we shall see Molly is already trying to take over though. But it is going well with just the three land sharks living with us. We miss Banyan and Chateau though, hopefully they are enjoying the trip across country.
It was great to see my sister and her entire clan as they breezed through this coast and headed to the heartland.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Oh me oh my...
So things are going good here Caleb has gotten on schedule and off schedule. Sleep has come and gone. Our Grandmomma and Grandpoppa TN were here for the weekend to meet the new grandson. So it was a good weekend , we had fun spending time with them. So we are trying to get things ready preparing baby and mommy for the return to work. It will be a couple days of transition which I am not looking forward to, but it will all work out. So Caleb is starting to do some tracking of things with his eyes as well as following Mom or Dads voice. Well speaking of Dad he needs his ta ta for now love and hugs
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
I am back .....for a moment.....i hope
It is hard to believe that this is where I was a month ago and this is how our little man looked. So tiny. He has grown so much and changed. He is now almost 10 lbs!! Holy Cow! Note the Chevy car pillow car case on my pillow behind me? We try to influence them young to be ready to spend time with Gpa T and working on cars! Ha one can hope. Here is a picture from last night. He is officially a month old! He's a little heavier, longer, chubbier and most of all he is more handsome-er! He takes after his father so much. We have been so blessed he is letting me get 4-5 hours sleep straight during the night he is not an overly fussy baby only for a diaper change, or food or just over tired. He has been such a blessing already to us the Lord has been more then generous to us. We are all ready praying that the Lord will grow him and use him in a mighty way. I know that he has a lot of people praying for him as well as us as parents raising him.
So being a Mom so far has been great, and my little man just woke so it is off to feed him!!Hope to be back soon again!xoxoxo
So being a Mom so far has been great, and my little man just woke so it is off to feed him!!Hope to be back soon again!xoxoxo
Thursday, August 19, 2010
A short peek at our nursery....
So here is a quick peek at our nursery that has imploded of course mom and dad would say isn't that how your room always looked growing up? Hopefully we can get it back under control in the next couple of weeks...and the little man is just relaxing and having a grand old time.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
See the cheeks are getting a little more full. He likes to sleep, takes after his Daddy. His hair is getting darker but the eyebrows are still blonde looking and eyelashes are forever long! He is so handsome if I do say so.
Well i just wanted to at least get one picture up so the sisters are not out doing me with pictures and videos of all their kiddos! Ha love love.
Well i just wanted to at least get one picture up so the sisters are not out doing me with pictures and videos of all their kiddos! Ha love love.
Good Morning...
Well our little man has nights half way figured out as soon as he falls asleep at 1 am he will sleep until about 4 or 5 do a feeding and then go back to sleep until about 8. So now we just need to figure to when bedtime is so Momma can get some sleep too. We went to the Doctor and he had gained a pound so he is doing well and he is actually getting fed enough.(that makes me feel better to know he is getting feed I wasn't sure at first.) He is growing good seems to be gaining weight we can tell in his cheeks, yet he is still no competition for the title or nickname of cheeks. We already know who holds that title. :-) We (Caleb) had a great time with all of the grandparents, he is so use to being held now that is the only way he wants to go to sleep on someones chest or in someones arms.....spoiled already! More pictures to come soon hopefully....we left the camera at home so sorry!!! This is why we are saving for a we can do things from home rather then going to the church. Well I am off to spend some time with the munchkin...sending lots of love and sloppy baby kisses.
Monday, August 2, 2010
Our arrival is here!!!
Monday, July 26, 2010
Two new Nephews!! What will this one be?
So we have a hold out here.... Cabbi is deciding when to make the great debut! Grandma P and great grandma were here this past week while Husbandio was gone on a youth trip, we had a great week. Now G-ma and G-pa T are arriving today to spend some time with us and get to see me as an even greater beached whale! Ha. So excited that both of the new nephews have entered the world safe and sound and healthy as well as their Momma's staying safe and healthy too....encourages me that I can do this whole birthing thing too. We are also having a heat wave hit this part of the country it has been in the high 90's with heat index in the 105-110 range so we are trying to stay cool. Wishing I had a pool in my backyard plus it would be fun to see how many of the dogs can actually swim!!! They all still avoid the doggie pool they only take drinks except Banyan she'll get her toes wet.
So this past week Husbandio was gone with the youth to World Changers which is a Mission project, where they go and work on houses in a community and also have the opportunity to share the love of God with the people in the community. Husbandio was asked to be the speaker for the week!! He was so excited, he said yes of course and I decided to deal with him being gone trusting the Lord to hold Cabbi off until Dad could make it back. So God has been faithful and now we are waiting to see when Cabbi will arrive. But he loved having the opportunity to speak and challenge, encourage and to share the saving grace of the gospel and what Christ has done for us all! He's a little wiped out but had a great time too.
Hope this finds all the family well! Love all the precious pictures of all the new mom's and little men in the family! xoxo (the still BIG sister)
So this past week Husbandio was gone with the youth to World Changers which is a Mission project, where they go and work on houses in a community and also have the opportunity to share the love of God with the people in the community. Husbandio was asked to be the speaker for the week!! He was so excited, he said yes of course and I decided to deal with him being gone trusting the Lord to hold Cabbi off until Dad could make it back. So God has been faithful and now we are waiting to see when Cabbi will arrive. But he loved having the opportunity to speak and challenge, encourage and to share the saving grace of the gospel and what Christ has done for us all! He's a little wiped out but had a great time too.
Hope this finds all the family well! Love all the precious pictures of all the new mom's and little men in the family! xoxo (the still BIG sister)
Monday, June 28, 2010
Banana tree for me?
July is almost here, almost time for the celebration of our freedom! Time to thank those who have served and are serving to continue to give us the freedom we have. Also time to celebrate another birthday...wahaaa mine the big 35! I was remembering being in middle school and decorating the bus one august for my dad's 40th birthday, and thinking about it my child is going to be 5 and not really have any clue what my 40th birthday is....hmmmm maybe that is a good thing. We will probably do a cookout over the 4th with some friends. Getting ready for family to come and visit, so the cleaning and rearranging to make sure things are set up and ready to go for when family is here. Can't wait to see everyone. Hoping the sweet pea arrives soon so everyone can meet him/her! Our little Cabbi (combo of Caleb and Abigail) So I loved the fresh fruit post, my biggest craving has been bananas ugh! Husbandio says maybe we aren't having a baby maybe it is a monkey.....hardy har har. Cantaloupe, strawberries, bananas, raspberries, bomb-pop-popsicles these are a few of my favorite things. Or rather the babies favorite things I could leave the bananas ugh anytime i smell one, see one, think of one, i have to have one and i do not like them. So it looks like I am going to be part time PE again this year, so that should be good, I just need prayer for patience and to just be content that I am teaching once again and not putting in 40 hours in a pool a week. Now I can enjoy swimming again.
Well hope this finds everyone well, Cabbi says hello moving and a grooving the whole time I have been typing! XOXO
Well hope this finds everyone well, Cabbi says hello moving and a grooving the whole time I have been typing! XOXO
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
So summer has officially begun...
So summer has started according to the calendar! The baby of the family hits the big 3-0!! How exciting! 30's were my best years so far I would say. We have had a busy month of June, with school finishing up, Husbandio starting to travel with the youth, baby shower in Charlotte, and just trying to get the crib bought and put together! So the crib has been bought and is just waiting to be put together. We were so blessed by our wonderful friends in Charlotte that through a great Baby shower for us and the little sweet pea. We even played some fun what kinda candy bar is melted in the diaper and who can chug a baby bottle the fastest!!! It was a lot of fun to be able to see everyone and spend time with them. They also gave a ton to welcome our little one into our home, we feel so loved and blessed by them.
We also have gotten a lot of ways to beat the heat here. I have been swimming.(the tricky part was finding a suit to fit that looked decent too!)The dogs have had the opportunity to swim as well Nini has been the only one brave enough to at least approach and put her toes into the water!
We also have gotten a lot of ways to beat the heat here. I have been swimming.(the tricky part was finding a suit to fit that looked decent too!)The dogs have had the opportunity to swim as well Nini has been the only one brave enough to at least approach and put her toes into the water!
Monday, June 14, 2010
Ha!! So, I have made it through another school year! We are doing classroom clean up, and Husbandio is on his way to Alabama to go to camp for the week. Lucky dog! Our little sweet pea is growing well. Rebel has started obedience classes we go on mon nights so we shall see how the behavior improves! He is such a cutie when he is sleeping and behaving well, his little tongue hanging out of his mouth all the time.
Well we have been busy hanging out with the youth as well as attending some graduation functions of some of our kids! Celebrating our four year anniversary and trying to get the baby's room all set up for the arrival of the little one. Also trying to make sure the guest rooms are all set up for the family members to arrive and visit wahoo..can't wait for everyone to get here and meet the little one.
We bid a sad farewell to our white couch and chair last month the dogs (ahem mainly rebel, Molly and Moo) decided to feast upon the cushions one night it was a horrible mess! However a couple from the church had offered us a couch and love seat with ottoman, they said it was a gold color but they had sage green slipcovers on it they were a beautiful brown with gold flecks so we have been blessed!! Just wanted to put a post up for pops real quick since he was harassing me! Ha love you bunches!!xoxo the prego one!!
Well we have been busy hanging out with the youth as well as attending some graduation functions of some of our kids! Celebrating our four year anniversary and trying to get the baby's room all set up for the arrival of the little one. Also trying to make sure the guest rooms are all set up for the family members to arrive and visit wahoo..can't wait for everyone to get here and meet the little one.
We bid a sad farewell to our white couch and chair last month the dogs (ahem mainly rebel, Molly and Moo) decided to feast upon the cushions one night it was a horrible mess! However a couple from the church had offered us a couch and love seat with ottoman, they said it was a gold color but they had sage green slipcovers on it they were a beautiful brown with gold flecks so we have been blessed!! Just wanted to put a post up for pops real quick since he was harassing me! Ha love you bunches!!xoxo the prego one!!
Friday, April 30, 2010
Howdy, Howdy
Well, Here it is the last day of April. Things have been going well on our front. Our little sweet pea is growing good, I am feeling fine. Just feeling a little bigger each week ha... and you can all breathe a sigh of relief there will be no belly pictures posted i know i know what a scary thought, I have thought about a belly mold though ha how fun would that be! My Husbandio is being a good sport he helps me tie my shoes nice and tight every morning to keep me feet looking normal! He is such a huge blessing to me. I can't believe that God has given me, yes me such an amazing man that loves me and is way more patient with me then he should be. He makes me laugh even when I crank at him. We are both so looking forward to our little bundle of joy....we can't wait to meet the baby Trox. (in case you do not know we are not finding out what we are having. It will be a surprise!) This week end we will be busy with Church stuff. So it should be fun. But here is looking forward to May. Hope all the other babies in the family are growing well. Hope that all the nieces and nephews are growing like weeds and learning to love God more and more.<>< Love us!
Friday, March 26, 2010
countdown is beginning.....
March, So March is almost gone....just a few more days and then April is here. Hopefully we will have our home in Charlotte sold before April hits! It also means Easter is almost here and Husbandio celebrates a year back in ministry serving the Lord...well he has served him even while out of Ministry. I am trying to get all my gear together to renew my teaching license and lemme tell you it is a blast. I am doing well in my grad class hopefully keep my 4.0 throughout grad school...for once in my life i may be a straight A student wahoo how amazing would that be. Our little sweet pea is growing great, starting to move and grove quite a bit have another doc apt. this upcoming week....wondering how the cousin is doing.....moving too hopefully! We are a family filled with babies this year how exciting!!! Well I just wanted to do a fast little update...hope life is well.
Monday, February 15, 2010
LOOK-Y Here!!!!
Joy, Joy, Joy Guess what we got friday night!!!! That's right we got SNOW!!!!Check out the photos. Banyan, Moo, Chateau all romping in the snow and eating it of course. Why wouldn't they eat it ice is one of their favorite treats!! Even better when it is free and on the ground!!! Yum-O!! Moo and Rebel helping me clear off the back steps so we can all be safe..
We have had a busy, past few weeks we had company for a week and they were fun to see and spend time with. We had fun cooking, dancing, staying up all was a blast and a blessing. Then off to the North they went to see the rest of the family. They brought us snow it started the day they left and we are still getting some sporadically. Here we are making a fudgey peanut bar decorated with those famous M&M's!!!
Other then that life in the south is good. We are staying busy. Husbandio is almost done with wrestling they have regional s and then state I who know I may go and watch some more wrestling! We shall see.
TN Mom called and offered us a dresser that Husbandio had used as a baby and small child. We were excited and said we'd love to have it. So now we need to figure out the how and when we are to obtain it! But it should be exciting. Well that is all for now! Just wanted to share the snow photos! XOXOXOX, miss you , love you!
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
O where O where is the new baby?
So my Squeaky is to have her little one soon! Can't wait to meet him! He needs to hurry up and get here we have been waiting sooo long. My little sweet pea is growing like a weed good strong heartbeat! We heard it, sounded just like hooves of a horse. Got to meet our two newest addition to the clan via Miami, to Fayetteville,
to Chi-town, to Iowa wahoo waht a difference they have seen in the US compared to Haiti, from heat to snowy cold weather and hopefully on to Italy!! We are still finding crayons, toy cars adn legs from stawberry short cake around the hose the dogs have had fun with their "new" chew toys. Let me tell you my sisters kids can boogey!!! We had an evening of dancing and they were fabulous!! Just hope those photos of me never see the light of day.
Speaking of the monsters they did great with all the kiddos, even Rebel did once he figured out he got popped everytime he got near a child with his mouth open to grab clothes, food or whatever. He did well we were impressed.
My little sweet pea and I experienced our first wrestling match this past weekend, it made me nervous at first a lot of control with the head and neck via arms and hands of the opponent, was worried someone would snap a neck or something. It started to grow on me though, so who knows maybe our little sweet pea may be a collegiate or Olympic wrestler some day if it's a boy....
Other then that we are waiting on a closing date to be set as we are preparing to sell our home in Charlotte, since we no longer live there. So praise the Lord he has answered prayer in perfect timing.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Happy New Year!!!
Happy New Year!! It has already started as a hopping year!! The news of three new gran babies as well as two much loved siblings hopefully arriving from Haiti soon to join in to make 5 new grandchildren this year!!
So I have been feeling wonderful, a little nausea off and on but the morning sickness has been bearable! Husbandio and I are very excited about this little one and the others that God is growing for all of us! Let me tell you my sense of smell has gotten even more sensitive since the prego began. My Husbandio says I have bat ears and can smell anything a mile away normally, well now I am smelling everything no matter how slight esp... my tennis shoes ugh! So finishing up the first trimester and starting Grad school this week things are getting exciting especially when I have to get 15 ecus in to renew my license by June 3 credit hours are equal to 4.5 ecu roughly I may need 4 classes by June and i have to carry an A or B otherwise they will drop me from the and exciting times. Maybe this will encourage our child to excel in school one day! Ha taking classes with Mom...huh i am going to be a crazy is that?
So we are still recovering from all of our travels over the holidays still trying to catch up on sleep....other then that all is good. Please continue to pray for our house to sell. We are debating about renting it out so pray for wisdom and guidance with the house.
Fun story the dogs (Rebel most likely) managed to get my wallet out of my purse Tues night, (my fort Knox wallet that i was positive they could never destroy) well he ate the flaps off and pulled all of my cards from their little slots....he/they left the debt card and a fund raiser coupon card intact however they ate my license, my insurance card, my school id all of it. So needless to say the guys at the gate were super impressed with my id's and told me to get them replaced as I sat through security for two days for an hour at a time. Much love to the pooches...and sleepless nights as I got up an hour and a half earlier then normal just to be on time...only to still be late!! So got my school id's replaced now I am working on my license and insurance stuff joy joy joy.
Other then that life has been good, busy at times but good. So once again Happy New Year! Much love to you all.
So I have been feeling wonderful, a little nausea off and on but the morning sickness has been bearable! Husbandio and I are very excited about this little one and the others that God is growing for all of us! Let me tell you my sense of smell has gotten even more sensitive since the prego began. My Husbandio says I have bat ears and can smell anything a mile away normally, well now I am smelling everything no matter how slight esp... my tennis shoes ugh! So finishing up the first trimester and starting Grad school this week things are getting exciting especially when I have to get 15 ecus in to renew my license by June 3 credit hours are equal to 4.5 ecu roughly I may need 4 classes by June and i have to carry an A or B otherwise they will drop me from the and exciting times. Maybe this will encourage our child to excel in school one day! Ha taking classes with Mom...huh i am going to be a crazy is that?
So we are still recovering from all of our travels over the holidays still trying to catch up on sleep....other then that all is good. Please continue to pray for our house to sell. We are debating about renting it out so pray for wisdom and guidance with the house.
Fun story the dogs (Rebel most likely) managed to get my wallet out of my purse Tues night, (my fort Knox wallet that i was positive they could never destroy) well he ate the flaps off and pulled all of my cards from their little slots....he/they left the debt card and a fund raiser coupon card intact however they ate my license, my insurance card, my school id all of it. So needless to say the guys at the gate were super impressed with my id's and told me to get them replaced as I sat through security for two days for an hour at a time. Much love to the pooches...and sleepless nights as I got up an hour and a half earlier then normal just to be on time...only to still be late!! So got my school id's replaced now I am working on my license and insurance stuff joy joy joy.
Other then that life has been good, busy at times but good. So once again Happy New Year! Much love to you all.
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