About Me

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A northern woman in love with a southern gentleman, who followed the direction of the Lord in our lives.

Saturday, July 16, 2011


So the link that is added to this is a guy that challenged people to be active for 30 minutes for 100 days consistently any type of movement...I am feeling a theme in my life lately....the mantra is get healthy get health....so I have taken some steps towards that back to WW and have lost 5.6 lbs int he first week (even with a sick baby at home at not much time to exercise). My goal is to not be in the same place at this time next year. I want to be around for my family esp... since i got a late start at it. So celebrate with me cheer me on, encourage me, keep me accountable I need all the support I can get. I have 100's to lose but so much more life to gain... I have lost some but I need to lose more. I am excited for this year, back to teaching middle school which includes some coaching so pray for me as this will cause an adjustment in our family schedule as well, won't know how much till it happens. I am excited to be home in a few weeks lots of family and friends to see and lots of love to be shared with and from out little mister mister! Can't wait to see and hug you all... bringing books for my nieces and nephews! See you soon!