It is so hard to believe that the above picture is of Michael and Caleb at like day 5 of life. The photo to the right is Caleb at 6 months...time is flying by so fast I cannot believe that he is now 7 months old. He is crawling like a mad man chasing the dogs through the house. He is also pulling up on anything he can and letting go to see how long he can balance there before he falls. So needless to say he is taking some tumbles. We are now done with all of the antibiotics. He loves bath time it is one of his favorite things to do other then spending time with Dad and laughing his head off. He loves his daddy so much. He is full of smiles and laughter all the time, God has blessed us so much with Caleb in our lives. We pray for him to be a Godly man after God's heart. We are having a tough adjustment to the time change but we are getting there. We are looking forward to the grandparents that are coming in April. We can't wait I am just trying to figure out how I am going to get all the cleaning done! Ha
Well just a quick hello it is bedtime for me so I am in good spirits for my students! Enjoy love and miss you all.
too fast . . . i know.
SO you think getting to bed early will put you in good spirits. I could tell you about someone that goes to bed early EVERY night and it doesn't help them one bit.
Yes Jem time does go by fast and the kids grow real fast. Enjoy each day even the bad ones because there are better ones coming.
We are saying the same prayer for Caleb and all the rest of our grand kids. With Love and Prayers Dad
I pray that Caleb will love his Mom and Dad as much as our kids love us.
he really is so adorable...i wish i could come with mom and dad!! ugh...it's not fair!
I want to hold him, I want to love him, I want to kiss him, I want to have him closer. I am envious of the two grandparents that will be doing all of the above to this wonderful sweet baby. I hope he gets to see them so much they spoil him rotten for you!!!! hahahahahah Mary
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