Umm so yeah, October is here and almost gone. I had hjust recently realized all of the Sept./early Oct. birthdays I missed....totally lame! And I am trying hard to remember the Grandma's! So, i am amazed that it is almost here. Grandma's Birthday! Wish I could be there, thinking Dad should send her a huge boquet of balloons like she got when we got the waterbed! ha.
So things here are grand still trying to figure what little man is going to be for HALLOWEEN! We shall see it will be spooktacular!!We have fall festivial this weekend and we have some fun pictures form pumkin patch as well as a corn maze who knew! They grow corn here too, not just cotton! So i will get some of those pictures posted soon , i hope, no promises! I put a couple cute ones on face book of our baby watermelons still growing in our yard! HA watermelon still growing. Anyway just wanted to say a quick greeting and salutation to all, since it has been awhile. hugs and love
1 comment:
can't wait to see the halloween pics!
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