About Me

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A northern woman in love with a southern gentleman, who followed the direction of the Lord in our lives.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Happy New Year!!!

Happy New Year!! It has already started as a hopping year!! The news of three new gran babies as well as two much loved siblings hopefully arriving from Haiti soon to join in to make 5 new grandchildren this year!!
So I have been feeling wonderful, a little nausea off and on but the morning sickness has been bearable! Husbandio and I are very excited about this little one and the others that God is growing for all of us! Let me tell you my sense of smell has gotten even more sensitive since the prego began. My Husbandio says I have bat ears and can smell anything a mile away normally, well now I am smelling everything no matter how slight esp... my tennis shoes ugh! So finishing up the first trimester and starting Grad school this week things are getting exciting especially when I have to get 15 ecus in to renew my license by June 3 credit hours are equal to 4.5 ecu hours...so roughly I may need 4 classes by June and i have to carry an A or B otherwise they will drop me from the program...fun and exciting times. Maybe this will encourage our child to excel in school one day! Ha taking classes with Mom...huh i am going to be a mom....how crazy is that?
So we are still recovering from all of our travels over the holidays still trying to catch up on sleep....other then that all is good. Please continue to pray for our house to sell. We are debating about renting it out so pray for wisdom and guidance with the house.
Fun story the dogs (Rebel most likely) managed to get my wallet out of my purse Tues night, (my fort Knox wallet that i was positive they could never destroy) well he ate the flaps off and pulled all of my cards from their little slots....he/they left the debt card and a fund raiser coupon card intact however they ate my license, my insurance card, my school id all of it. So needless to say the guys at the gate were super impressed with my id's and told me to get them replaced as I sat through security for two days for an hour at a time. Much love to the pooches...and sleepless nights as I got up an hour and a half earlier then normal just to be on time...only to still be late!! So got my school id's replaced now I am working on my license and insurance stuff joy joy joy.
Other then that life has been good, busy at times but good. So once again Happy New Year! Much love to you all.