So here is some photos of us enjoying our snow day! Dad was a great sport for not being the biggest fan of cold weather. So I have a few minutes to blog and play with Picasa! Thanks to my sis. Caleb is home sick with RSV fun fun! So we have been hanging out and having breathing treatments! so keep us in your thoughts and
yeaaaa! you got picasa and you luuuv it! yippee!
talked to m/d earlier and they mentioned the rsv - have been praying today. little guy!
It is so good to see ya all got more snow then we did up here in NE.. HAA HAA. The robins have been flocken though here by the hundreds. We all have had our winter sniffels, I have had my back problems and auto immunie problems and spelling problems but oh well-I am old. I now have a web site I am building slowly. notfinished but am getting there. I am proud of myself for doing it at this ripe old age. You have no idea of how many \phone calls I have made.
Looks like your family is doing in the good spot. I like your new design. I try to keep up with you three girls-I will never keep up withy your dad. I swear will has been nesting around here. He has insulated the garage and wall boarded it and found places for "everything". Not something I wanted him to do, I don't need a nester in my house. I don't think he is going to move.. If you know what I mean. I will go first.
At least we are talking better and his girlfriend only bugs me a bit and then I give it to the lord and let him handle the whole think. Molly loves to go to church and I am at least leading her in the right way. Her mother is now living in Omaha, kringe! She had been in detox 3 times since Christmas and Will does not let her see Molly along. Good idea I think. Enough or you might lose sleep. Hugs, kisses, tears, prayers, more prayers, more husgs for a boy I have not med and a kiss for a girl I love. Mary
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